FlightLogger and Spidertracks, providers of cloud-based aviation management software and real-time flight tracking solutions, have entered into a strategic partnership. The integration between the two will be officially unveiled at the University Aviation Association conference in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The integration empowers flight schools with real-time, automated flight data input, eradicating the need for manual flight information recording, and improving data accuracy. The core of this seamless integration lies in the Spider hardware, a compact yet powerful unit delivered by Spidertracks that can be easily installed in each aircraft. The Spider autonomously captures a wealth of flight data in real-time, using satellite technology. When an aircraft with an installed Spider takes off, the device immediately starts recording various flight metrics, including takeoff and landing times and intricate details of the flight path. With the new integration, all this information is automatically and securely transmitted to the FlightLogger system, where it is seamlessly added to corresponding lesson flight registrations.

The immediate benefit of this integration is the automation of flight data entry, saving time for instructors who can channel more attention into the quality of their training sessions. Furthermore, the automatic capture and seamless transfer of complete flight tracks enables instructors and flight schools to access a holistic view of each flight almost instantly after landing.

This innovation introduces an additional layer of security and compliance by offering precise documentation to enhance flight schools' operations. This can be used both for performance analysis during debriefing sessions and serves as valid, compliant records.

The integration is available at no additional charge for FlightLogger and Spidertracks customers.

Kenneth Jeppesen, FlightLogger founder and CEO, says, "This partnership paves the way for even better and safer flight training. Automating these data collection processes enables instructors to focus more on training, less on paperwork, and provides schools with precise documentation of each flight."