Equality and Diversity

Halldale Group aims to create and maintain a workforce that is diverse, promotes positivity and instills a can-do attitude in every member of the team, regardless of age, religion, sexual orientation, status, gender, race or characteristics.  We do not discriminate on grounds of any protected characteristics nor are we biased against them.  We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

Halldale Group commits to:

  • Creating a positive and supportive working environment for all staff and customers
  • Promoting the diversity of our workforce
  • Responding to changing demographics and working patterns, e.g. flexible working, remote working
  • Ensuring all our staff are given equal opportunity in every aspect of their working role
  • Selecting for employment, promotion, training or anything of this nature, based on individuals’ own merits
  • Creating an environment in which individual differences and the ways in which everyone contributes is recognized and valued
  • Reviewing our equality and diversity policy annually

For more information, get in touch.


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