New Australian Training Campus

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The Airways Aviation Group has announced the opening of their new bespoke education and commercial facilities at Gold Coast Airport, Queensland, Australia. Airways Aviation brings together under one global brand a number of well-established aviation entities that offer world standard fixed wing and helicopter training and education via its Government approved facilities.

"In Australia, Airways Aviation is the only Australian Government Approved Registered Training Organisation (RTO), and Commonwealth Register of Courses and Institutions for Overseas Students (CRICOS) provider in Australia offering Certificate IV and Diploma courses up to and including multi-engine instrument ratings for both fixed-wing and rotary-wing student pilots," said Romy Hawatt, Airways Aviation Group CEO. "This new bespoke education facility is the first of many important stages of our planned strategic growth over 2014 and beyond as our company responds to both domestic and international market demand, and industry expectations."

The Airways Aviation Group of companies currently conducts flight training and charter services in Australia, the United Kingdom and Montenegro with ground school teaching facilities in the process of being established in both the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia.

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