Ohio Guard Airmen, Hungarian Partners Train on Airfield Work

29 August 2019

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Eight airmen assigned to an Ohio National Guard mobiletraining team conducted an intermediate airfield management course for membersof the Hungarian Defence Forces  from July29-August 2 at Pápa Air Base.

National Guard members taught the course alongside airadvisers from Ramstein Air Base in Germany. The Ohio National Guard conductsregular engagements focused on sharing best practices and learning fromHungary, its state partner for the last 26 years as part of the U.S. Departmentof Defense State Partnership Program.

"We taught various facets of managing the airfield toinclude parking plans for various types of aircraft and having a plan in placeto run the airfield while maximizing safety," said Tech Sgt. AndrewLipian, an aviation resource manager assigned to the 164th Operations Squadronat the 179th Airlift Wing in Mansfield, Ohio. "We taught the hierarchywithin the airfield management career field and we engaged in real-worldexercises."

During the training period, the airmen also taught afamiliarization course focused on flight line safety emergency procedures,cargo handling and air base occupational health.

This year's course built on the foundation of theinformation presented last year during the beginner's course, and is part of athree-course series focusing on joint training and sharing best practices.

"Ohio has been the state that has supported us inseveral areas," said Brig. Gen. Nándor Kilián, the inspector of theHungarian air force. "There is a lot of room to improve. The basic thingis to exchange the knowledge, exchange the possibilities and to learn from eachother. This is the main goal, to cooperate."

One aspect of the course was firefighting training, as themobile team and air advisors trained Hungarian military members on firefightingtechniques to improve flight line safety knowledge and skills. They alsoshowcased how firefighters work closely with airfield management and airtraffic controllers to improve the overall effectiveness of in-flight emergencyresponse.

Another teaching point of the course was familiarizationwith occupational health. Ohio National Guard occupational health specialistsassessed and provided insight on the Hungarian Defence Force's current program.Based on their observations, they were able to teach medical triage and advisetheir partners on additional ways to treat their service members who areexposed to environmental hazards.

At the end of the training, the Hungarians and Ohioansparticipated in a joint demonstration to showcase how air traffic controllers,airfield management, firefighters and medics all work together in an emergencyresponse situation.

Ohio is dedicated to continuing building and strengtheningits 26-year partnership with Hungary. With an increasingly unstable globalenvironment, this partnership increases strength in peacetime, which willimprove Ohio-Hungary joint capabilities in times of conflict.

Ohio's partnership with Hungary provides mutually beneficial training, builds cultural understanding and showcases the accomplishments of two nations collaborating to achieve security cooperation goals. Through military exchanges like the airfield management course, both nations are able to learn from each other and improve their policies and procedures.

Source: US Army


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