CAT Magazine Going Digital

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As the Covid-19 situation continues to affect all of us around the world, Halldale Group has been forced to make the decision to distribute our publications through digital channels only for the remainder of 2020.

Covid 19 has imposed many dramatic changes on us all with almost all of Europe and Asia locked down and currently 80% of the US population following federal and state restrictions. This means that most of our readers are working from home and their offices are closed, in addition remaining global postal services are under severe strain.

To ensurethat we supply readers with as many delivered copies of the magazine aspossible we will be moving to digital delivery with immediate effect and wewill be alerting readers to look out for their regular copies in this format.

If you haven’t already subscribed for our digital copies, please do so here.

With more time available to readers, more uncertainty about the future and the need for the latest industry news, we are already seeing an increase in our reader activity and increased demand for the publications, which will offer even more value to advertisers as a result.

Thank you for your continued support and keep safe and well.

If you would like more information about our publications please get in touch with our PR team,

If you would like to discuss advertising and promotion please get in touch with our Marketing Strategy Specialists or


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