MilSim CEE Takes ITEC To A New Audience With Different Needs

4 September 2019

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Now in its 2nd year, MilSim CEE is an event focusedon bringing the latest and most innovative training, modelling and simulationmilitary technology to Central and Eastern Europe. Taking place in Brno, CzechRepublic, over two days, the show is designed to encourage networking and thoughtsharing for both industry and military in the region. With a focus on creatingan environment tailored to an under-served market, the Clarion-organised show buildson events from other parts of its defence portfolio, using that industryknowledge to create something uniquely relevant to the Eastern European market.

“MilSim CEE’s sister event, ITEC, has beenrunning in Europe for more than 30 years and has predominantly been located inWestern Europe – most recently in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK,”explains James Condley, event manager for MilSim CEE. “When we looked at theindustry landscape, we identified a need for a separate event that wouldattract CEE countries with a different set of needs and budget restrictions. Thisrequirement for a showcase of more cost-effective solutions led us to launch inthe Czech Republic.”

By taking this approach, Clarion believesit has created a highly focused conference. “There will be speakers from theCzech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Germany and Romania as well as the UK and theUSA,” Condley says. “Industry will be showcasing its solutions, while seniormilitary leaders and key NATO organisations will outline the development plansfor expanding capabilities within the region.”

One of themajor highlights for the event is the educational side of the show. This will includea live interactive demonstration/combat scenario from Bohemia Interactive Solutionsas well as talks covering subjects such as:

  • ConstructiveSimulation for Tactical Course of Action Analysis: Problems and Requirements inCombat with Peer Adversary.
  • WarGaming and Doctrinal Experimentation in Support of Romanian National Defence.
  • Modellingand Simulation Supporting the Capability Planning Process.
  • WPCDistributed Training Centre’s Holistic approach to supporting LVC Exercises.
  • Developmentof Decision Support Tools to Support the Commander.

The line-up ofspeakers is equally impressive, with an opening address from Brig. Gen. Ing. Radek Hasala, head ofTraining Command, Czech Armed Forces; followed by presentations from Lt Col.Jan Mazal PhD, Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence, NATO; Col. DanBunduc, Romanian Armed Forces; as well as Col. Zdenek Mikula, Czech ArmedForces.

“Theworld of military training and simulation, and its associated technologies, isall about collaboration,” Condley says. “Bringing together industry, militaryand academia and giving them an opportunity to listen, ask questions andnetwork is invaluable.”

This combination of education and productdisplay means the organiser is expecting to attract over 150 delegates fromEastern Europe and further afield, covering a broad range of industry, militaryand academia. As for what they can expect, Condley sums it up simply –“interaction and discussion”.

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