VT MAK to Exhibit MAK ONE at I/ITSEC

3 December 2019

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VT MAK announced the demonstration of a synthetic training environment composed of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software from the MAK ONE suite at I/ITSEC from 2 to 5 December 2019. The demonstration will highlight the capability of MAK simulation products in meeting requirements of a large variety of training systems in all domains. Taking place at VT MAK’s booth (#1322), the demonstration will enable attendees to participate in a tactical exercise and learn the modularity and comprehensiveness of the MAK ONE platform.

This year, MAK ONE was selected by the U.S. Army to meet theoperational requirements of the Synthetic Training Environment (STE) CommonSynthetic Environment (CSE). It was also selected by Boeing Defence UK as acore technology for the Defence Operational Training Capability (Air) (DOTC(A))Core System and Services (DCS&S) contract. These examples illustrate twovery different ways that MAK ONE can be integrated into a customer’s solution —the applications can be used directly as system components or the coretechnologies can be integrated to build custom applications within thecustomer’s specific architecture.

The MAK ONE demonstration at I/ITSEC will include theability to cohesively set up and manage the training scenario, simulate all thetraining roles, as well as record and present the results. VR-Engage, VT MAK’smulti-role virtual simulator, will have a central role in the integratedtraining system. It will be used to play first-person roles of driver, gunner, dismountedsoldier, commander, pilot, and sensor operator.

VT MAK will be demonstrating performance advancements,improved scalability, and new capabilities developed this year across theirproduct suite at six different stations. The MAK ONE suite is also hosted onAmazon Web Services (AWS) to illustrate the accessibility of MAK productsthrough cloud deployment. New scalability prototypes will also be showcased.VR-Vantage IG will be running on a large screen and will display the latest, scenesfrom VR-Vantage IG, as well as support for the latest Common Image GeneratorInterface protocol and host control. The VR-Engage station will feature ademonstration of VT MAK’s support for head mounted displays, so visitors canlearn how VR-Vantage and VR-Engage facilitate users in developing AugmentedReality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality applications.

VT MAK will be holding a seminar on Tuesday, 3 December from9-11 am at the Rosen Center, Salon 1. Danny Williams will discuss VT MAK’sparticipation in the CSE portion of the US Army’s STE program, while Pete Swanwill describe how MAK ONE will be used in the UK MOD’s DCS&S project. Next,VT MAK’s Vice President of Products, Jim Kogler, will share what VT MAK hasaccomplished this year as well as what is in store for the future.

Danny Williams will be presenting at the Innovation Showcaseon Wednesday, 4 December, at 9:30 am. The subject of his talk will be MAK ONE,and how its capabilities and architecture are used as a foundation to meet theneeds of the U.S. Army’s STE CSE.


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