Boeing Responds to Germany’s STH Invitation to Tender

16 January 2020

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Boeing has submitted its response to the STH invitation to tender for Germany’s New Heavy Lift Helicopter program, also known as Schwerer Transporthubschrauber (STH).

The STH invitation to tender was issued in June 2019 by theGerman procurement authority, specifically, the Federal Office of Equipment,Information Technology and In-Service Support of the Bundeswehr (BAAINBw). Acontract award is expected in 2021 for the acquisition of 44 to 60 aircraft,including sustainment and training.

Michael Hostetter, vice president of Boeing Defense, Space& Security in Germany, said, “The H-47 Chinook is a one-of a-kind platformcapable of performing missions that other helicopters cannot. It is a provenmulti-mission heavy lift helicopter with advanced technology that meets theGerman requirements.”

Today, there are more than 950 Chinook aircraft operating in20 countries, including eight NATO member countries (the Netherlands, Italy,Greece, Spain, Turkey, UK, Canada, and the United States). The Chinook willprovide immediate interoperability to Germany while meeting a wide range ofmission needs.

“We are committed to having the sustainment and training aswell as parts of the production done in Germany,” said Dr. Michael Haidinger,president of Boeing Germany. “We will continue to build on and expand ourGermany Industry Team for the H-47 Chinook Schwerer Transporthubschraubercompetition. In addition, we are committed to bringing high-end engineering andproduction opportunities from across the Boeing enterprise to German industry.”


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