5th MINT Software Systems User Conference starts

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MINT Software Systems has kicked off the 5th MINT User Conference (UCON), sponsored this year and hosted by SuperJet International, who have offered their training center in Venice, Italy as the event location.

This year the MINT User Conference is taking place for four full days from September 26th until 29th. This year more than 68 users from 27 aviation customers are visiting the conference, many of them for the first time. The event allows attendees the chance to talk to MINT's development and support team, as well as networking opportunities and two days with free software training sessions, which MINT experts offer to the attending customers.

"We are very proud to have our conference hosted by our friends at SuperJet this year," said Frank Vieira Hugger, director Sales and Marketing at MINT Software Systems. "The conference is a very important platform for us, not only to exchange user experiences but also to provide an outlook to new software functionalities and feature highlights that are going to be implemented during the coming years. With the exciting developments we have planned, we have set ourselves very ambitious goals and we are happy to see that our customers are just as excited about the new possibilities that the software already has and continues to offer in the future."

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