National Aviation Academy, SNHU Enter Articulation Agreement

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National Aviation Academy (NAA) and Southern New HampshireUniversity (SNHU) have entered into an articulation agreement to provide a newpathway towards advanced degrees. This partnership allows students to earncollege credit towards a bachelor’s degree from SNHU by completing aviation maintenancetraining at NAA.

“The direct translation NAA’s Aviation MaintenanceTechnology course to college credit means students will be that much closer toachieving their educational goals should they wish to earn a bachelor’s degree,”said Pam Van Sant, president and COO, NAA.

For those who want to additionally pursue an advanceddegree, NAA training now satisfies 63 credits towards SNHU’s online bachelor’sdegree program in general studies. Students transferring credits from NAA willreceive a 10 percent tuition discount from SNHU, and can pursue a number ofconcentrations including business, operations management, and entrepreneurship.

“This partnership with the National Aviation Academy willhelp expand access to college degrees for the next generation of aviationprofessionals, and is an opportunity to bring our resources together anddeliver on our shared commitment of student success,” Susan Bogle, AssociateVice President of Product Marketing, SNHU.

As an NAA student, that the remainder of the degree can becompleted online, allowing individuals to begin work and complete their educationssimultaneously. Ambitious students may also complete general education coursesonline with SNHU while attending NAA.


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