2FLY Group Offers Training Scholarships During Pandemic

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In response to COVID-19, 2FLY Group is offering a limited number of scholarships to aspiring pilots who enrol within the next few months on either an FAA Career Pilot Program of an EASA Pro-Pilot Airline Programme.

Having witnessed similar crises before where the aviationindustry bounces back and resumes its continued growth, 2FLY are confident thatthe same pattern will follow. To keep aspiring pilots’ dreams alive andpositive in these challenging times, 2FLY are offering a scholarship to thefirst 50 new applicants of up to $10,000 each towards their training costs.

The scholarships will beawarded to those who fulfil the criteria and in anticipation of the currenttravel restrictions being lifted by Summer 2020, it is expected scholarshipcandidates will commence training soon afterwards.

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