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10 FlightSafety Instructors were presented with the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award from the United States (US) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) during the month of November.
The Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award is bestowed upon pilots by the FAA under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61. To be eligible for the award, individuals must hold a US Civil Aviation Authority or FAA pilot certificate and have 50 or more years of civil and military flying experience.
Jeff Terrell received the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award on 20 November at FlightSafety’s Wichita Cessna Learning Center. Homer Bentley, Larry Gilbert, George Greene, Roff Sasser and Ron Walters from the Savannah Learning Center were presented the award on 21 November. On 28 November, Edward Borowy, Leland Johnson, Mark Mulder and Richard Wingfield were presented the award at the Dallas/Fort Worth North Learning Center.
“We are proud that at least 70 FlightSafety Instructors have earned this prestigious recognition to date. Congratulations to all on behalf of our teammates and customers,” commented Bruce Whitman, Chairman, President & CEO of FlightSafety International.
“FlightSafety is fortunate to have more than 1,800 highly qualified and experienced Instructors,” Whitman continued. “These exceptional men and women are FlightSafety’s most important assets. They deliver the highest quality training to commercial, government and military Customers at our Learning Centers and training facilities around the world. We are most appreciative of their many contributions.”