Evers Consulting Rebrands to Aviatica Group

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After 16 years Evers Consulting, based inCambridge, UK, have rebranded to Aviatica Group owing to increased demand intheir varied operations of aviation consultancy services, flight training ATO(approved training organisation) and Team Resource Management training (TRM).

“Despite the challenges in our currentclimate this is an exciting time for the Aviatica team” says Mark Evers,Founder and CEO. “Our company has grown to such a size with so many aviationservices and different projects that this was an eagerly anticipatedrestructure and rebrand to best serve all of our current and future clients.”

Evers has brought in the knowledge,expertise and skills of industry veterans like Nigel Orme and Mark Smyth tobolster the board of directors.

Evers Consulting was known for its safety,compliance and technical manual writing services and Varsity Aviation for typeratings and base training as part of the ATO. Team resource management (TRM)training was added several years previously by Mark Smyth who has successfully expandedthe Aviatica Group Companies outside of just the aviation industry and into thehealthcare/medical field, also delivering training to the Oil & Gas, Railand Military sectors.

In addition, Aviatica Group are working on severalfuture partnerships (with Stratstep Group) and initiatives that potentially includePPL (Private Pilot License) training and their own business aviation AOC(Airline Operators Certificate). As experts in working with regulatory bodies,Aviatica Group is taking the lead on Brexit and the UK CAA departure from EASA,with a specialised team assigned to working with clients on all changes to come overthe next year.

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