Astrom Releases New Galaxy TMS

12 April 2023

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Astrom Training Solutions has released Galaxy TMS, a new comprehensive Training Management System comprising nine modules: Training Plan, Qualification Management, LMS, Adaptive Exam System, Scheduling (both manual and auto), Smart Sim (paperless evaluation app), Intelligent Data Engine, LCMS, and Cockpit Animator.

The Training Plan module allows airlines to create a curriculum for initial and recurrent training, incorporating online courses and exams, instructor-led classes, simulator training, and flight training.  Airlines can define multiple training paths within a training plan and can specify pre-requisites between training events. For example, a trainee may only perform simulator training after passing an exam.  Additionally, trainees can choose either an online course, or instructor-led class as a substitute. These flexible features are now available in Astrom’s TMS products.

Astrom’s Training Plan module provides the advantage of structuring a training plan before implementing the detailed courses. For example, a Dangerous Good course may not be available until November, but a fleet training manager can set up a 737 recurrent training plan beforehand using Galaxy. When the DG course is published, the training plan will automatically detect the course and enroll qualified students.

Galaxy minimizes the effort required by training managers and instructors to manage flight crew training, cabin crew training, and maintenance training.  It offers various reports to monitor training status from different perspectives, including the trainee’s progress, course completions, instructor assignments, and device training events.

Astrom will elaborate on each module in future news releases.


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