Douglas Maxwell Joins Aptima as Senior Research Engineer

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Aptima named Dr. Douglas Maxwell as a Senior Research Engineer in its Learning & Training Systems Division. Maxwell’s expertise includes a practical background of custom virtual reality hardware interfaces, scientific visualization, games for training, and simulation based training systems. He has also conducted large scale training effectiveness studies with hundreds of participants in an effort to determine what key technical attributes were of value in a virtual simulator.

Prior to joining Aptima, Dr. Maxwell was a U.S. Department of Defense employee with more than 16 years of experience in the Naval and Army Research Laboratory systems. While working for the Naval Research Laboratory, he created a machine design application that worked in a virtual reality four-wall display system and built a cluster of COTS gaming PCs used to replace dedicated image generators at significant cost savings. During his time at the NAVSEA Naval Undersea Warfare Center, he supported early virtual world initiatives designed to reduce training costs of sonar operators.  He provided research and engineering support to testbeds for advanced battlespace management concepts in a submarine combat system including the Navy’s TALOSS (Three-Dimensional Advanced Localization Observation Submarine Software) and project ATAS (Anti-submarine warfare Tactical Assessment System). While working most recently for the Army Research Laboratory, Maxwell was director of project MOSES (Military Open Simulator Enterprise Strategy), a comprehensive effort created to test military training concepts using open source software.  MOSES also had a dedicated user community composed of researchers from the military, academia, and industry.

Maxwell holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Modeling and Simulation from the University of Central Florida, and a M.S. and B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University. He also holds two patents related to tactical visualization, specifically uncertainty of target tracking for battlespace management and blended bathymetric databases.  Maxwell has been the recipient of multiple NAVSEA Naval Undersea Warfare Center awards for Excellence in Modeling and Simulation and Excellence in Innovation.


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