Quantum3D releases new MANTIS image generation software

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Quantum3D Inc. released its latest version of MANTIS, a real-timescene management and image generation software. The latest version of MANTIScomes with a new set of enhanced capabilities for both visual and sensorsimulation and will be available on all current platforms including off-theshelf PCs running Windows or Linux, and Independence IDX 8000 and IDX 80 seriesImage Generators equipped with MANTIS.

Some of the new MANTIS features include support for thelatest CIGI 4.0 SISO standard for the communication of simulation data betweenthe Host and IG as well as a new OpenVR plugin, which allows MANTIS to be usedto drive VR-, AR- and MR-tethered HMD's that support the OpenVR standard. Thisincludes HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro, Metavision Meta 2 and Oculus Rift.

The OpenVR plugin supports NVIDIA's VR SLI technology. Thisallows two GPU's to be used in SLI configuration for true 3D stereo rendering.One GPU will render the left eye image and the other GPU will render the righteye, meaning both eyes are rendered in parallel. This provides a significantperformance boost compared to the traditional method of rendering each eyesequentially on the same GPU.

Hybrid tracking designs are also supported. For example, aVive Tracker can be attached to a Metavision Meta 2 HMD and be used to trackhead movements to a much greater precision than is supported by the Meta 2's trackingtechnology.

The plugin supports a switchable NVG goggle simulation modewhere the field of view is reduced to a configurable circular aperture, and theimage is converted to monochrome and noise is added.

The new OpenVR plugin has been successfully deployed byReiser Simulation and Training GmbH for use in their latest Level D certifiedemergency response H145 helicopter trainer. In this trainer, the pilot andco-pilot view multiple channels projected on a dome screen while the MedicalCrew Member wears a Metavision Meta 2 HMD. The medical crew member is stationedin the aft-cabin next to a physical mock-up of the helicopter door, which canbe viewed and operated through the mixed-reality (“see through”) HMD. MANTISgenerates the visuals for the exterior scene and masks this against its owninternal model of the helicopter. The result is that the trainee sees the outsideworld in 3D through the side door and the windows of the helicopter, whilststill be able to operate the onboard equipments and to interact with the flightcrew allowing them to train as a team for such tasks as pilot guidance,underslung/winch operation, search and rescue. The trainer is fully NVG capableproviding a dedicated infra-red scene that stimulates the pilot’s night visiongoggles and showing the NVG scene in the HMD.


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