German Federal Aviation Office certifies world’s first H145 FFS

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The H145 full flight simulator (FFS) based at the Airbus Helicopters Training Academy in Germany has been awarded level D status by the German Federal Aviation Office. Not only is it the world’s first certified FFS for the type, it is also the first helicopter simulator in Germany to receive EASA level D certification. Level D helicopter simulators must meet criteria including the ability to move in six directions, to provide a field of view of at least 180°, to work with realistic acoustic and visual simulations and to perform several special motion effects.

With such an airworthiness authority approval, more training hours accumulated by pilots in the full flight simulator are now authorised to be logged as actual flight hours.

The H145 simulator is suitable for pilots’ initial training and refresher courses, for training on specific emergency procedures, flights according to Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), in offshore conditions and at night (with night vision goggles), as well as for Cat. A operations.

Built in cooperation with Indra Systemas, a Spanish flight simulator manufacturer, the FFS has been provided with an extensive H145 OEM level D data package from Airbus Helicopters and its suppliers. This includes H145 software, an original cockpit and further H145 parts, all of which guarantee the fully simulated and realistic functionality of the helicopter, its engines and the Helionix avionics suite.

Furthermore, the simulator has been tested and validated by the design experts, flight test engineers and test pilots who were involved in the development of the H145.

An additional feature is that the simulator can accommodate developments that are still on the horizon: the simulator cockpit developed and constructed in-house by Airbus Helicopters can be easily rolled on and off the H145 FFS, allowing it to be replaced with other configurations.

“Thanks to the world’s first H145 simulator, we can provide our customers with an excellent training environment,” explains Charles Hebeka, Head of Airbus Helicopters Training Centres in Germany. “This is a further step we are taking together with our customers towards guaranteeing maximum flight safety when operating our helicopters.”

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