Local girls invited to Girls in Aviation Day

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As part of Women in Aviation International’s (WAI) 30thannual conference in Long Beach, California, held March 14-16, 2019, localgirls from ages 8 to 17 are invited to learn about the career and lifestylepossibilities available in aviation and aerospace.

Girls in Aviation Day Long Beach will be held on Saturday,March 16, 2019, at the Long Beach Convention Center beginning at 9 a.m. Girlsare required to be chaperoned throughout this event ending at 3 p.m.

Through a host of hands-on activities, speakers, games andmore, girls get immersed in all that aviation has to offer. Older girls will beable to meet with representatives from aviation colleges and universities.There will be no shortage of role models for the girls as they hear from womenabout their unique aviation careers. Flying a simulator, reading a sectionalchart (pilot’s map) and learning the phonetic alphabet are all part of theevent.

Lt. Gen. Stayce Harris, the inspector general of the U.S.Air Force, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, is the luncheon speaker.Harris will retire on March 1, 2019 as the highest-ranking African Americanwoman military pilot in the U.S. armed forces. Following her militaryretirement, she will join United Airlines as a pilot.

Jessica Cox, the first armless pilot in aviation history,will also speak to the girls during lunch.

In addition to a local Girls in Aviation Day held in thecity of WAI’s conference, an international Girls in Aviation Day is held eachyear where dozens of events are hosted by WAI around the globe. This year’sInternational Girls in Aviation Day is Saturday, October 5, 2019.



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