AFWERX Challenge Accepting Solutions

6 May 2020

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AFWERX is currently accepting solutions for two challenges to help the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD): Space, and Accelerating Pilots to Combat-Ready Aviators. The AFWERX Challenge allows individuals, startups, small businesses, large enterprises, academics and research labs to submit solutions to specific challenges to solve problems for the U.S. Air Force.


AFWERX has partnered with the U.S. Space Force, Space andMissile Systems Center (SMC), Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), and Air Education andTraining Command (AETC). This initiative aims to acquire technology for topicsincluding persistent Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissancetechnology, DoD commercial space partnerships, global space transport anddelivery, and space asset resiliency. Solutions may be submitted until May 25.

Accelerating Pilots to Combat-Ready Aviators

The Combat Air Forces (CAF) are seeking a state-of-the-arttraining strategies and technology to accelerate the training of a pilot to acombat-ready aviator. AFWERX’s goal is to improve the overall effectiveness oftraining programs across the U.S. Air Force to focus on developing qualitypilots and combat aviators quicker. Solutions may be submitted until May 19.

USAF and AFWERX possess innovation funding to designatetowards exploring viable solutions and partnerships to further strengthen theAir Force. USAF has prototype funding available for individuals or companieswho propose solutions to this specific challenge. Expert evaluators willcarefully examine compelling challenge solutions presented within thiscrowdsourcing platform, and the best solutions could lead to additionalprototyping, R&D and production contracts to be granted after the initialaward. Participation could lead to official recognition for companies and thechance to work alongside the Air Force and other DoD agencies to see yourconcept mature into impactful real-life implementation.


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