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Limbs & Things introduced a Cesarean Section (C-Section) Module for its PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator.
The new module has two elements. The first consists of an anatomically correct, replaceable surgical pad with eight layers, plus the female bladder. This part of the module aids highly realistic training in transverse incisions (both Pfannenstiel and Joel-Cohen), and allows for the layers to be sutured and in-situ repair of the uterine wall.
The second element of the module allows for repetitive practice of many delivery management scenarios, including a difficult delivery of a baby with an impacted head or a transverse lie, with the use of a pre-incised delivery skin.
The C-Section module fits on both the Standard PROMPT Flex and the Bluetooth Force Monitoring models. The C-Section module is available for purchase via the Limbs & Things Website or directly with its offices in UK, US and Australia.